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  T Tauri stars ROSAT survey (Neuhaeuser+, 1995)
    J/A+A/297/391/table1(c)Sample of T Tauri stars (TTS) studied (153 rows)
    J/A+A/297/391/table2(c)ROSAT ALL Sky Survey (RASS) data for TTS above RASS detection limit (56 rows)
    J/A+A/297/391/table3Spectral fit results for detected TTS (60 rows)
    J/A+A/297/391/table4Upper limits for TTS below RASS limit (111 rows)
    J/A+A/297/391/table5Statistical significance for correlations (16 rows)
    J/A+A/297/391/table6Statistical significance for classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) and weak-line T Tauri stars (WTTS) being different (19 rows)
    J/A+A/297/391/tablea1Non-X-ray data for TTS studied (188 rows)
    J/A+A/297/391/refsReferences quoted in table1 and tablea1 (95 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
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