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  YSOs in the central 400pc of the Galaxy (Yusef-Zadeh+, 2009)
    J/ApJ/702/178/YSOcand(c)Parameters of the SED fits to candidate YSOs in l<0° (table 3; 358 to 360°) or in l>0° (table 4; 0 to 1.2°) (360 rows)
    J/ApJ/702/178/table5(c)Table of sources with 4.5um Excess Emission (33 rows)
    J/ApJ/702/178/green(c)Parameters of SED fits to 4.5um excess sources near or foreground (table 10) the Galactic Center (33 rows)
    J/ApJ/702/178/table6(c)Table of 70um Sources (9 rows)
    J/ApJ/702/178/maser(c)Methanol class I or class II (table 8) maser sources (44 rows)
    J/ApJ/702/178/table1(c)Galactic coordinates and flux density of sources in G359.43+0.02 (18 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
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