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  Luminous (sub-)millimetre galaxies (Koprowski+, 2014)
    J/MNRAS/444/117/table1(c)The results of our attempt to establish galaxy identifications for the (sub-)mm sources based on statistical associations between the original single-dish (sub-)mm positions and potential counterparts in the multi-wavelength imaging (21 rows)
    J/MNRAS/444/117/table2(c)Optical CFHTLS, near-infrared UltraVISTA and IRAC AB magnitudes with errors calculated using 2" diameter aperture measurements corrected to 'total' using the relevant on-image PSF. (16 rows)
    J/MNRAS/444/117/table3(c)Optical Subaru, near-infrared UltraVISTA and IRAC AB magnitudes with errors calculated using 2" diameter aperture measurements corrected to 'total' using the relevant on-image PSF (2 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
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