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  Doppler beaming factors in binary stars (Zheng+, 2024)
    J/ApJ/972/151/atlas9Beaming factors computed with ATLAS 9 (Castelli & Kurucz, 2003IAUS..210P.A20C) synthetic spectra (2465320 rows)
    J/ApJ/972/151/tmapBeaming factors computed with TMAP (Huegelmeyer et al., 2007ASPC..372...87H) synthetic spectra (267696 rows)
    J/ApJ/972/151/phoenixBeaming factors computed with PHOENIX (Husser et al., 2013A&A...553A...6H) synthetic spectra (7921914 rows)
    J/ApJ/972/151/tlustyBeaming factors computed with TLUSTY (Lanz & Hubeny, 2003ApJS..146..417L, 2007ApJS..169...83L) synthetic spectra (365872 rows)

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