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  2MASS bright galaxies HI ZoA survey (Kraan-Korteweg+, 2018)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/tablea1a(c)HI detections – observational data: clear HI detections of 2MZOAG galaxies[spectrum] (220 rows)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/tablea1b(c)HI detections – observational data: marginal HI detections of 2MZOAG galaxies (10 rows)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/tablea1c(c)HI detections – observational data: clear HI detections of other galaxies (6 rows)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/tablea1d(c)HI detections – observational data: marginal HI detections of other galaxies (3 rows)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/tablea2a(c)HI detections of non-targets in the telescope beam: clear HI detections[spectrum] (30 rows)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/tablea2b(c)HI detections of non-targets in the telescope beam: marginal HI detections (6 rows)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/tablea3a(c)Comparison with literature HI detections: clear HI detections (74 rows)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/tablea3b(c)Comparison with literature HI detections: HI non-detections (4 rows)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/tablea4(c)Optical velocities in the literature (170 rows)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/tablea5(c)HI non-detections – observational data (773 rows)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/tablea6(c)Possible HI detections – observational data (12 rows)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/tablea7a(c)HI detections – derived properties: clear HI detections of 2MZOAG galaxies (220 rows)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/tablea7b(c)HI detections – derived properties: marginal HI detections of 2MZOAG galaxies (10 rows)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/tablea7c(c)HI detections – derived properties: clear HI detections of other galaxies (6 rows)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/tablea7d(c)HI detections – derived properties: marginal HI detections of other galaxies (3 rows)
    J/MNRAS/481/1262/notesIndividual notes (1039 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
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