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  Broad-line AGN in 6dF Galaxy Survey (Hon+, 2025)
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1.J/MNRAS/536/3611/catalog6df BEL AGN catalog (2513 rows)

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ShowSortColumn  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Name (char) 6dfgs unique source identifier (gHHMMSSs+DDMMSS) (;meta.main)
  RAJ2000 deg (i) Right Ascension (J2000) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DEJ2000 deg (i) Declination (J2000) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  ProgId   [1/999] 6dfgs program id (;obs)
  SpecId  6dfgs unique spectrum id (;meta.file)
  dup (char) spec_id for 6dfgs sources with duplicates (meta.code)
  z  Redshift (src.redshift)
  z6dfgs  (n) 6dfgs reported redshift (src.redshift;pos.heliocentric)
  type (char) AGN classification (Note 1)   (src.class)
  extType (char) Exist in other catalogue (Note 2)   (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Comments (char) Brief description of notable issues (meta.note)
  SNR  (n) Signal-to-noise (Note 3)   (stat.snr)
  SMSS  SkyMapper Southern Sky Survey (SMSS) object id (
  E(B-V) mag E(B-V) (phot.color.excess)
  FAGN/Star  (n) Estimate of AGN:STAR flux (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  Distdr4  Closest SMSS DR4 matching source (pos.distance)
  Ngobj  Number of GAIA objects within a 4 arcsec (meta.number)
  Ngstar  Number of GAIA stars within a 4 arcsec (meta.number)
  gmag67 mag SMSS g-band 6.7arcsec constructed photometry (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  e_gmag67 mag SMSS g-band 6.7arcsec constructed photometry error (stat.error)
  rmag67 mag SMSS r-band 6.7arcsec constructed photometry (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  e_rmag67 mag SMSS r-band 6.7arcsec constructed photometry error (stat.error)
  Fg67 mW/m2 (n) SMSS g-band 6.7arcsec constructed photometry flux (phot.flux.density;em.opt)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Fr67 mW/m2 (n) SMSS r-band 6.7arcsec constructed photometry flux (phot.flux.density;em.opt)
  FHbBest mW/m2 (n) Flux estimate of Hbeta BEL (phot.flux;em.line.Hbeta)
  FO3est mW/m2 (n) Flux estimate of OIII5007 (phot.flux)
  e_FHbBest mW/m2 (n) Flux estimate of Hbeta BEL error (stat.error)
  e_FO3est mW/m2 (n) Flux estimate of OIII5007 error (stat.error)
  F0HbBest mW/m2 (n) Dereddened flux of Hbeta BEL (phot.flux;em.line.Hbeta)
  F0O3est mW/m2 (n) Dereddened flux of OIII5007 (phot.flux)
  logLHbB [10-7W] (n) Log luminosity of Hbeta BEL (phys.luminosity;em.line.Hbeta)
  logLO3 [10-7W] (n) Log luminosity of OIII5007 (phys.luminosity)
  e_logLHbB [10-7W] (n) Log luminosity of Hbeta BEL error (stat.error)
  e_logLO3 [10-7W] (n) Log luminosity of OIII5007 error (stat.error)
  FMgest mW/m2 (n) Flux estimate of MgII (phot.flux)
  e_FMgest mW/m2 (n) Flux estimate of MgII error (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  F0Mgest mW/m2 (n) Dereddened flux of MgII (phot.flux)
  logLMg [10-7W] (n) Log luminosity of MgII (1x10-7 Watts) (phys.luminosity)
  e_logLMg [10-7W] (n) Log luminosity of MgII error (stat.error)
  RHbB/O3  (n) Ratio of Hbeta BEL flux to OIII5007 (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  FWHMHbB km/s (n) FWHM of Hbeta BEL (phys.angSize)
  e_FWHMHbB km/s (n) FWHM of Hbeta BEL error (stat.error)
  SkewHbB  (n) Skew of Hbeta BEL (
  e_SkewHbB  (n) Skew of Hbeta BEL error (stat.error)
  PeakHbB 0.1nm (n) Peak wavelength of Hbeta BEL (em.wl)
  e_PeakHbB 0.1nm (n) Peak wavelength of Hbeta BEL error (stat.error)
  EWHbB  (n) Equivalent Width of Hbeta BEL (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_EWHbB  (n) Equivalent Width of Hbeta BEL error (stat.error)
  FWHMHbN km/s (n) FWHM of Hbeta NEL (phys.angSize)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_FWHMHbN km/s (n) FWHM of Hbeta NEL error (stat.error)
  PeakHbN 0.1nm (n) Peak wavelength of Hbeta NEL (em.wl)
  e_PeakHbN 0.1nm (n) Peak wavelength of Hbeta NEL error (stat.error)
  EWHbN  (n) Equivalent Width of Hbeta NEL (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_EWHbN  (n) Equivalent Width of Hbeta NEL error (stat.error)
  FWHMO3 km/s (n) FWHM of OIII5007 (phys.angSize)
  e_FWHMO3 km/s (n) FWHM of OIII5007 error (stat.error)
  PeakO3 0.1nm (n) Peak wavelength of OIII5007 (em.wl)
  e_PeakO3 0.1nm (n) Peak wavelength of OIII5007 error (stat.error)
  EWO3  (n) Equivalent width of OIII5007 (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_EWO3  (n) Equivalent width of OIII5007 error (stat.error)
  FWHMHaB km/s (n) FWHM of Halpha BEL (phys.angSize)
  e_FWHMHaB km/s (n) FWHM of Halpha BEL error (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  SkewHaB  (n) Skew of Halpha BEL (
  e_SkewHaB  (n) Skew of Halpha BEL error (stat.error)
  PeakHaB 0.1nm (n) Peak wavelength of Halpha BEL (em.wl)
  e_PeakHaB 0.1nm (n) Peak wavelength of Halpha BEL error (stat.error)
  EWHaB  (n) Equivalent width of Halpha BEL (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_EWHaB  (n) Equivalent width of Halpha BEL error (stat.error)
  FWHMHaN km/s (n) FWHM of Halpha NEL (phys.angSize)
  e_FWHMHaN km/s (n) FWHM of Halpha NEL error (stat.error)
  PeakHaN 0.1nm (n) Peak wavelength of Halpha NEL (em.wl)
  e_PeakHaN 0.1nm (n) Peak wavelength of Halpha NEL error (stat.error)
  EWHaN  (n) Equivalent width of Halpha NEL (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_EWHaN  (n) Equivalent width of Halpha NEL error (stat.error)
  FWHMMg km/s (n) FWHM of MgII (phys.angSize)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_FWHMMg km/s (n) FWHM of MgII error (stat.error)
  SkewMg  (n) Skew of MgII (
  e_SkewMg  (n) Skew of MgII error (stat.error)
  PeakMg 0.1nm (n) Peak wavelength of MgII (em.wl)
  e_PeakMg 0.1nm (n) Peak wavelength of MgII error (stat.error)
  EWMg  (n) Equivalent width of MgII (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_EWMg  (n) Equivalent width of MgII error (stat.error)
  2MASS (char) 2MASS unique source identifier (
  Jmag mag (n) 2MASS J-band point source magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  e_Jmag mag (n) 2MASS J-band point source magnitude error (stat.error;phot.mag)
  Hmag mag (n) 2MASS H-band point source magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.H)
  e_Hmag mag (n) 2MASS H-band point source magnitude error (stat.error;phot.mag)
  Kmag mag (n) 2MASS K-band point source magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.K)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_Kmag mag (n) 2MASS K-band point source magnitude error (stat.error;phot.mag)
  Jmagext mag (n) 2MASS J-band extended source magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  e_Jmagext mag (n) 2MASS J-band extended source magnitude error (stat.error)
  Hmagext mag (n) 2MASS H-band extended source magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.H)
  e_Hmagext mag (n) 2MASS H-band extended source magnitude error (stat.error)
  Kmagext mag (n) 2MASS K-band extended source magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.K)
  e_Kmagext mag (n) 2MASS K-band extended source magnitude error (stat.error)
  bjmag mag (n) UKST bj magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  rfmag mag (n) UKST rf magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.R)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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