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  MDFC Version 10 (Cruzalebes+, 2019)
Post annotation
1.II/361/mdfc-v10Mid-infrared stellar Diameters and Fluxes compilation Catalogue (MDF), version 10 (465857 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Name (char) SIMBAD main identifier (Name) (;meta.main)
  SpType (char) SIMBAD spectral type (SpType) (src.spType)
  RAJ2000 "h:m:s" (i) Right ascension (J2000)(RAJ2000) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DEJ2000 "d:m:s" (i) Declination (DEJ2000) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  Dist pc (n) Estimed distance from Bailer-Jones et al. (2018, Cat. I/347) (distance) (pos.distance;pos.heliocentric)
  Teff-MIDI K (n) Estimate of effective temperature from VLTI/ MIDI (teff_midi) (phys.temperature.effective)
  Teff-GAIA K (n) Estimate of effective temperature from Gaia DR2 (Cat. I/345) (from Apsis-Priam, see Andrae et al., 2018A&A...616A...8A) (teff_gaia) (Note 1)   (phys.temperature.effective)
  Comp (char) Components when more than 2 from WDS (Comp) (meta.code.multip)
  Mean-sep arcsec (n) Mean separation from WDS (mean_sep) (pos.angDistance;src.orbital)
  mag1 mag (n) Magnitude of First Component from WDS (mag1) (phot.mag;em.opt)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  mag2 mag (n) Magnitude of Second Component from WDS (mag2) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  Diam-MIDI mas (n) Fitted angular diameter from VLTI/MIDI (diam_midi) (phys.angSize;meta.modelled)
  e_Diam-MIDI mas (n) Error on VLTI/MIDI angular diameter (ediammidi) (stat.error)
  Diam-Cohen mas (n) Fitted angular diameter from Cohen et al. (diam_cohen) (phys.angSize;meta.modelled)
  e_Diam-Cohen mas (n) Error on Cohen's angular diameter (ediamcohen) (stat.error)
  Diam-GAIA mas (n) Estimate of angular diameter from Gaia DR2 (diam_gaia) (Note 1)   (phys.angSize)
  LDD-meas mas (n) Measured limb-darkened disk angular diameter from JMDC (LDD_meas) (phys.angSize)
  e_LDD-meas mas (n) Error on measured angular diameter from JMDC (ediammeas) (stat.error)
  UDD-meas mas (n) Measured uniform-disk angular diameter from JMDC (UDD_meas) (phys.angSize)
  Band-meas (char) Text describing the wavelength or band of the angular diameter measured from JMDC (band_meas) (em.wl)
  LDD-est mas (n) Estimated limb-darkened disk angular diameter from JSDC_V2 (LDD_est) (phys.angSize)
  e_LDD-est mas (n) Error on estimated angular diameter from JSDC_V2 (ediamest) (stat.error)
  UDDL-est mas (n) Estimated uniform-disk angular diameter in L from JSDC_V2 (UDDL_est) (phys.angSize;em.IR.3-4um)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  UDDM-est mas (n) Estimated uniform-disk angular diameter in M from JSDC_V2 (UDDM_est) (phys.angSize;em.IR.4-8um)
  UDDN-est mas (n) Estimated uniform-disk angular diameter in N from JSDC_V2 (UDDN_est) (phys.angSize;em.IR.8-15um)
  Jmag mag (n) 2MASS J magnitude (1.25 micron) (Jmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  Hmag mag (n) 2MASS H magnitude (1.65 micron) (Hmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.H)
  Kmag mag (n) 2MASS Ks magnitude (2.17 micron) (Kmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.K)
  W4mag mag (n) AllWISE W4 magnitude (22.1 micron) (W4mag) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.15-30um)
  CalFlag  (n) [0/7] Confidence flag for using this star as a calibrator in Opt. Interf. experiments from JSDC_V2 (CalFlag) (Note 2)   (meta.code.qual)
  IRflag  (n) [0/7] Confidence flag indicating the probable presence of extended features at IR wavelengths (IRflag) (Note 3)   (meta.code.qual)
  nb-Lflux  (n) Number of flux values reported in band L (nb_Lflux) (meta.number)
  med-Lflux Jy (n) Median flux value in band L (med_Lflux) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.3-4um)
  disp-Lflux Jy (n) Dispersion of flux values in band L (disp_Lflux) (stat.error)
  nb-Mflux  (n) Number of flux values reported in band M (nb_Mflux) (meta.number)
  med-Mflux Jy (n) Median flux value in band M (med_Mflux) (phot.flux.density;em.IR)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  disp-Mflux Jy (n) Dispersion of flux values in band M (disp_Mflux) (stat.error)
  nb-Nflux  (n) Number of flux values reported in band N (nb_Nflux) (meta.number)
  med-Nflux Jy (n) Median flux value in band N (med_Nflux) (phot.flux.density;em.IR)
  disp-Nflux Jy (n) Dispersion of flux values in band N (disp_Nflux) (stat.error)
  Lcorflux30 Jy (n) Uniform-disk (UD) correlated flux in L for 30-m base (Lcorflux_30) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.3-4um)
  Lcorflux100 Jy (n) Uniform-disk (UD) correlated flux in L for 100-m base (Lcorflux_100) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.3-4um)
  Lcorflux130 Jy (n) Uniform-disk (UD) correlated flux in L for 130-m base (Lcorflux_130) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.3-4um)
  Mcorflux30 Jy (n) Uniform-disk (UD) correlated flux in M for 30-m base (Mcorflux_30) (phot.flux.density;em.IR)
  Mcorflux100 Jy (n) Uniform-disk (UD) correlated flux in M for 100-m base (Mcorflux_100) (phot.flux.density;em.IR)
  Mcorflux130 Jy (n) Uniform-disk (UD) correlated flux in M for 130-m base (Mcorflux_130) (phot.flux.density;em.IR)
  Ncorflux30 Jy (n) Uniform-disk (UD) correlated flux in N for 30-m base (Ncorflux_30) (phot.flux.density;em.IR)
  Ncorflux100 Jy (n) Uniform-disk (UD) correlated flux in N for 100-m base (Ncorflux_100) (phot.flux.density;em.IR)
  Ncorflux130 Jy (n) Uniform-disk (UD) correlated flux in N for 130-m base (Ncorflux_130) (phot.flux.density;em.IR)
  Simbad  ask the Simbad data-base about this object (meta.ref.url)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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