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  Rotational mixing in CEMP-s stars (Matrozis+, 2017)
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1.J/A+A/606/A55/tablea1Summary of the models with both the default and non-standard rotational mixing parameters (1683 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  fc  Rotational mixing parameter fc (0.010, 0.033, 0.100) (Note 1)   (stat.param)
  fmu  Rotational mixing parameter fmu (0.00, 0.05, 1.00) (Note 1)   (stat.param)
  Set   [1/3] Model set (Note 2)   (;
  M1 Msun [0.9/1.5] Initial mass of the AGB donor (phys.mass)
  M2i Msun [0.6/0.8] Initial mass of the accreting secondary (phys.mass)
  dM Msun [0.001/0.3] Accreted mass (phys.mass)
  M2f Msun [0.8/0.95] Final mass of the secondary (phys.mass)
  ja cm2/s [1e+15/1e+18] Specific angular momentum of the accreted material (phys.angMomentum)
  Mthmix Msun Amount of mass mixed by thermohaline mixing (Note 3)   (phys.mass)
  Age Gyr Age at MSTO (main-sequence turn-off) (time.age)

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 (i)indexed column
  Teff K Effective temperature at MSTO (phys.temperature.effective)
  logL [Lsun] Log of luminosity at MSTO (phys.luminosity)
  logg [cm/s2] Log of gravity at MSTO (phys.gravity)
  Menv Msun Convective envelope mass at MSTO (phys.mass)
  vrot km/s Surface equatorial rotation velocity at MSTO (phys.veloc.rotat)
  vcrit km/s Critical surface equatorial rotation velocity at MSTO (phys.veloc.rotat)
  Xs2  Surface mass fraction of hydrogen after mass accretion (phys.abund.X)
  [C/H]2  Abundance [C/H] after mass accretion (phys.abund)
  [N/H]2  Abundance [N/H] after mass accretion (phys.abund)
  [O/H]2  Abundance [O/H] after mass accretion (phys.abund)
  [Fe/H]2  Abundance [Fe/H] after mass accretion (phys.abund)
  [C/Fe]2  Abundance [C/Fe] after mass accretion (phys.abund)
  Xstm  (n) Surface mass fraction of hydrogen after thermohaline mixing (Note 3)   (phys.abund.X)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  [C/H]tm  (n) Abundance [C/H] after thermohaline mixing (Note 3)   (phys.abund)
  [N/H]tm  (n) Abundance [N/H] after thermohaline mixing (Note 3)   (phys.abund)
  [O/H]tm  (n) Abundance [O/H] after thermohaline mixing (Note 3)   (phys.abund)
  [Fe/H]tm  (n) Abundance [Fe/H] after thermohaline mixing (Note 3)   (phys.abund)
  [C/Fe]tm  (n) Abundance [C/Fe] after thermohaline mixing (Note 3)   (phys.abund)
  Xs4  Surface mass fraction of hydrogen at MSTO (phys.abund.X)
  [C/H]4  Abundance [C/H] at MSTO (phys.abund)
  [N/H]4  Abundance [N/H] at MSTO (phys.abund)
  [O/H]4  Abundance [O/H] at MSTO (phys.abund)
  [Fe/H]4  Abundance [Fe/H] at MSTO (phys.abund)
  [C/Fe]4  Abundance [C/Fe] at MSTO (phys.abund)
  Xs6  (n) Surface mass fraction of hydrogen at the end of FDU (Note 4)   (phys.abund.X)
  [C/H]6  (n) Abundance [C/H] at the end of FDU (Note 4)   (phys.abund)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  [N/H]6  (n) Abundance [N/H] at the end of FDU (Note 4)   (phys.abund)
  [O/H]6  (n) Abundance [O/H] at the end of FDU (Note 4)   (phys.abund)
  [Fe/H]6  (n) Abundance [Fe/H] at the end of FDU (Note 4)   (phys.abund)
  [C/Fe]6  (n) Abundance [C/Fe] at the end of FDU (Note 4)   (phys.abund)
  Xsf  (n) Surface mass fraction of hydrogen near the tip of the RGB (Note 4)   (phys.abund.X)
  [C/H]f  (n) Abundance [C/H] near the tip of the RGB (Note 4)   (phys.abund)
  [N/H]f  (n) Abundance [N/H] near the tip of the RGB (Note 4)   (phys.abund)
  [O/H]f  (n) Abundance [O/H] near the tip of the RGB (Note 4)   (phys.abund)
  [Fe/H]f  (n) Abundance [Fe/H] near the tip of the RGB (Note 4)   (phys.abund)
  [C/Fe]f  (n) Abundance [C/Fe] near the tip of the RGB (Note 4)   (phys.abund)

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