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  Brackett emission lines in young star APOGEE sp. (Campbell+, 2023)
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1.J/ApJ/942/22/table2Line measurements for APOGEE DR17 Br11 emitters (9733 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  ID (char) 2MASS Position-based Identifier ("2M" or "AP" HHMMSSss+DDMMSSs; J2000) (;meta.main)
  m_ID  (n)Number of SDSS spectra for this source (meta.number)
  Plate   [4914/12834] SDSS Plate ID (;instr.plate)
  MJD d [55807/59234] Modified Julian Date of SDSS observation (JD-2400000.5) (time.epoch)
  Fiber   [1/300] SDSS Fiber ID (
  RAJ2000 deg (i) Right Ascension, APOGEE DR17 (J2000) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DEJ2000 deg (i) [-85/86] Declination, APOGEE DR17 (J2000) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  Tel (char) SDSS Telescope ID (;
  Loc   [-999/7251] SDSS Location ID (obs.field)
  Field (char) SDSS Field ID (;obs.field)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  EWBr11-auto 0.1nm [0.75/27.4] Brackett 11 Scripted Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_EWBr11-auto 0.1nm [0/24] Uncertainty in EWBr11 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr12-auto 0.1nm (n) [0.38/36.08] Brackett 12 Scripted Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_EWBr12-auto 0.1nm (n) [0.05/20] Uncertainty in EWBr12 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr13-auto 0.1nm (n) [-1.62/21] Brackett 13 Scripted Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_EWBr13-auto 0.1nm (n) [0.05/9] Uncertainty in EWBr13 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr14-auto 0.1nm (n) [-2.6/26.23] Brackett 14 Scripted Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_EWBr14-auto 0.1nm (n) [0.05/16] Uncertainty in EWBr14 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr15-auto 0.1nm (n) [-2.3/21] Brackett 15 Scripted Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_EWBr15-auto 0.1nm (n) [0.06/8.5] Uncertainty in EWBr15 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr16-auto 0.1nm (n) [-3.3/17.5] Brackett 16 Scripted Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_EWBr16-auto 0.1nm (n) [0.06/17.1] Uncertainty in EWBr16 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr17-auto 0.1nm (n) [-0.96/21] Brackett 17 Scripted Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_EWBr17-auto 0.1nm (n) [0.06/10.3] Uncertainty in EWBr17 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr18-auto 0.1nm (n) [-2.2/14.4] Brackett 18 Scripted Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_EWBr18-auto 0.1nm (n) [0.07/10] Uncertainty in EWBr18 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr19-auto 0.1nm (n) [-5.71/10.6] Brackett 19 Scripted Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_EWBr19-auto 0.1nm (n) [0.07/10] Uncertainty in EWBr19 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr20-auto 0.1nm (n) [-3.5/10.3] Brackett 20 Scripted Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_EWBr20-auto 0.1nm (n) [0.07/14] Uncertainty in EWBr20 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  YCFlag   [0/1] 1=Source is in the Young Cluster sample (meta.code)
  YCEdens cm-3 (n) [8/12.4] Electron Density of Best Fit Model to Brackett Decrement (Note 1)   (phys.density;meta.modelled)
  B_YCEdens cm-3 (n) [10.4/12.4] Maximum Electron Density (Note 1)   (phys.density;stat.max)
  b_YCEdens cm-3 (n) [8/12.2] Minimum Electron Density (Note 1)   (phys.density;stat.min)
  e_YCEdens cm-3 (n) [0.08/1.7] Standard Deviation of Electron Densities (Note 1)   (stat.error)
  YCGasT K (n) [3750/15000] Gas Temperature of Best Fit Model to Brackett Decrement (Note 1)   (phys.temperature)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  B_YCGasT K (n) [12500/15000] Maximum Gas Temperature (Note 1)   (phys.temperature;stat.max)
  b_YCGasT K (n) [3750/10000] Maximum Gas Temperature (Note 1)   (phys.temperature;stat.max)
  e_YCGasT K (n) [1768/4086] Standard Deviation of Gas Temperature (Note 1)   (stat.error)
  chisq  (n) [0/104] Chi Square of Best Fit Model to Brackett Decrement (Note 1)   (;stat.param;meta.modelled)
  e_chisq  (n) [2.3] Standard Deviation of Chi Square values for fits (Note 1)   (stat.error)
  slope   [-0.9/4.1] Ratio of continuum fluxes near the Br 11 and Br 20 lines (Note 2)   (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  FeII   [0/3] FeII emission flag (Note 3)   (meta.code)
  NN-Det   [0/1] Neural Net Classification, Br Line Detection (1=line detected; 0=no line detected) (meta.code)
  NN-Dble   [0/1] Neural Net Classification, Br Line Profiles (1=double peaked profile; 0=single peak profile) (meta.code)
  NN-Neb   [0/1] Neural Net Classification, Br Line Width (1=narrow/ISM width; 0=Doppler broadened profile) (meta.code)
  NN-Good   [0/1] Neural Net Classification, Br Line Quality (1=Good; 0=Bad) (meta.code)
  RVelBr-NN km/s (n) [-176/297] Neural Net Estimate, Br Line Center Velocities (phys.veloc)
  e_RVelBr-NN km/s (n) [1.4/100] Neural Net Estimate, Uncertainty in Br Line Center Velocities (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  DVBr-NN km/s (n) [90/1332] Neural Net Estimate, Velocity Width of Br Line Profiles (spect.line.width)
  e_DVBr-NN km/s (n) [1/354] Neural Net Estimate, Uncertainty in Br Line Velocity Width (stat.error)
  MaxBr  (n) [11/20] Highest order Brackett line detected by the Neural Net analysis (meta.number)
  EWBr11-nn 0.1nm [0.14/84.55] Brackett 11 Neural Net Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth;
  e_EWBr11-nn 0.1nm [0/53] Uncertainty in EWBr11 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr12-nn 0.1nm [0.27/225] Brackett 12 Neural Net Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth;
  e_EWBr12-nn 0.1nm [0/27.2] Uncertainty in EWBr12 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr13-nn 0.1nm [0.13/121.3] Brackett 13 Neural Net Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth;
  e_EWBr13-nn 0.1nm [0/18] Uncertainty in EWBr13 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr14-nn 0.1nm [0.2/116] Brackett 14 Neural Net Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth;
  e_EWBr14-nn 0.1nm [0/22.1] Uncertainty in EWBr14 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr15-nn 0.1nm [0.14/57.5] Brackett 15 Neural Net Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth;
  e_EWBr15-nn 0.1nm [0/15.2] Uncertainty in EWBr15 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  EWBr16-nn 0.1nm [0.14/223.5] Brackett 16 Neural Net Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth;
  e_EWBr16-nn 0.1nm [0/19.4] Uncertainty in EWBr16 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr17-nn 0.1nm [0.14/37.5] Brackett 17 Neural Net Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth;
  e_EWBr17-nn 0.1nm [0/14] Uncertainty in EWBr17 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr18-nn 0.1nm [0/156] Brackett 18 Neural Net Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth;
  e_EWBr18-nn 0.1nm [0/46.5] Uncertainty in EWBr18 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr19-nn 0.1nm [0/73] Brackett 19 Neural Net Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth;
  e_EWBr19-nn 0.1nm [0/19.5] Uncertainty in EWBr19 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  EWBr20-nn 0.1nm [0/96] Brackett 20 Neural Net Equivalent width, Angstroms (spect.line.eqWidth;
  e_EWBr20-nn 0.1nm [0/20] Uncertainty in EWBr20 (stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth)
  2M  Display the 2MASS data (II/246) within 3" (meta.ref.url)
  SimbadName (char) (n)Designation understandable by the Simbad data-base (

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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