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  HETDEX Public Source Catalog (Version 3.2) (Mentuch Cooper+, 2023)
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1.J/ApJ/943/177/sources(c)*Source observation table (from hetdexsc1v3.2.ecsv) (original column names in green) (Note) (232650 rows)
2.J/ApJ/943/177/detinfo(c)*Detection info table (from hetdexsc1detinfo_v3.2.fits) (original column names in green) (Note) (297261 rows)
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Column  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
   (ALL)HETDEX (char) (i) HETDEX designation ( (source_name) (;meta.main)
  (1)m_HETDEX  (n)Number of observations for this source (meta.number)
   (ALL)ID   [2140000000000/2140300001775] HETDEX source identifier (source_id) (
  (1)shotID   [20170103002/20200626020] Integer represent observation ID: int(date+obsid) (shotid) (;obs)
   (ALL)RA_ICRS deg (i) [5.8/245.3] Right ascension (ICRS) (RA) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
   (ALL)DE_ICRS deg (i) [-1.2/62.4] Declination (ICRS) (DEC) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  (1)gmag mag [12.29/34.71] SDSS g-band AB magnitude measured in HETDEX spectrum (gHETDEX) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (1)Av mag [0.01/1.44] Applied dust correction in the V band (phys.absorption;em.opt.V)
   (ALL)zHetdex   [-2/4.165] HETDEX spectroscopic redshift (src.redshift)
   (ALL)n_zHetdex (char) HETDEX spectroscopic redshift source (z_hetdex_src) (Note 1)   (meta.note;src.redshift)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
   (ALL)q_zHetdex   [-2/1] 0 to 1 confidence HETDEX spectroscopic redshift source (z_hetdex_conf) (meta.code.qual;src.redshift)
   (ALL)OType (char) Object type (source_type) (Note 2)   (src.class)
   (ALL)Ndet   [1/90] Number of detections in the source group (n_members) (meta.number)
  (1)Nd  (n)Number of detections (link to detinfo table) (meta.number)
   (ALL)detectID   [2100000000/2190088281] Emission line or detection ID (detectid) (
   (ALL)Field (char) Field identifier (Note 3)   (;obs.field)
  (1)Faper 10-17mW/m2(n) [0.0003/20236] Dust-corrected, OII line flux measured in elliptical galaxy aperture in 10–17erg/s/cm2 (flux_aper) (phot.flux;instr.fov;em.line)
  (1)e_Faper 10-17mW/m2(n) [0.06/109] Faper uncertainty (flux_aper_err) (stat.error;phot.flux;em.line)
   (ALL)f_Faper  (n) [-1/1] Flag on Faper (flag_aper) (Note 4)   (meta.code;phot.flux;em.line)
  (1)amaj arcsec (n) [0.46/20.14] Major axis of aperture ellipse of resolved OII galaxy defined by imaging (major) (phys.angSize)
  (1)bmin arcsec (n) [0.29/9.4] Minor axis of aperture ellipse of resolved OII galaxy defined by imaging (minor) (phys.angSize)
  (1)PA deg (n) [-1.58/1.58] Angle in aperture ellipse (theta) (pos.posAng)
  (1)LLya 10-7W (n) [1.8e+42/2.9e+44] Lyα line luminosity in erg/s (lum_lya) (phys.luminosity;em.line.Lyalpha)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (1)e_LLya 10-7W (n) [2.1e+41/5.3e+43] LLya uncertainty (lum_lya_err) (stat.error;phys.luminosity;em.line.Lyalpha)
  (1)LOII 10-7W (n) [7.6e+29/1.8e+44] Best OII line luminosity in erg/s (lum_oii) (phys.luminosity;em.line)
  (1)e_LOII 10-7W (n) [1.1e+29/1.6e+42] LOII uncertainty (lum_oii_err) (stat.error;phys.luminosity;em.line)
  (1)FLya 10-17mW/m2(n) [3.39/1030] Lyα line flux in 10–17erg/s/cm2 (flux_lya) (phot.flux;em.line.Lyalpha)
  (1)e_FLya 10-17mW/m2(n) [0.39/190] FLya uncertainty (flux_lya_err) (stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Lyalpha)
  (1)FOII 10-17mW/m2(n) [0.0003/20236] Best OII line flux in 10–17erg/s/cm2 (flux_oii) (phot.flux;em.line)
  (1)e_FOII 10-17mW/m2(n) [0.1/109.2] FOII uncertainty (flux_oii_err) (stat.error;phot.flux;em.line)
   (ALL)S/N  (n) [5.5/123] Signal-to-noise for line emission (sn) (stat.snr)
   (ALL)apcor   [0.04/0.997] Aperture correction applied to spectrum at 4500Å (instr.param)
  (2)f_detectID   [0/1] Flag on detectID (selected_det) (meta.code)
  (2)n_detectID (char) Detection type: "line" or "continuum" (det_type) (meta.note;spect.line)
  (2)LineID (char) Line identification at observed wavelength (wave) assuming redshift of zHetdex (line_id) (;spect.line)
  (2)RADdeg deg DetectID right ascension (ICRS) (RA_det) (pos.eq.ra)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (2)DEDdeg deg DetectID declination (ICRS) (DEC_det) (pos.eq.dec)
  (2)Sep deg (n) [3.2e-12/0.006] Distance between detectid and the source center (src_separation) (pos.angDistance)
  (2)gmag   [12.29/34.71] SDSS g-band AB magnitude measured in HETDEX spectrum (gmag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (2)Av   [0.01/1.5] Applied dust correction in V band (Av) (phys.absorption;em.opt.V)
  (2)ebv   [0.0039/0.53] Applied selective extinction (ebv) (phot.color.excess)
  (2)wave 0.1nm (n) [3483.3/5522.6] Central wavelength of line emission (wave) (em.wl.central)
  (2)e_wave 0.1nm (n) [0.03/11.1] MCMC uncertainty in wave (wave_err) (stat.error;em.wl.central)
  (2)Flux 10-17W/m2(n) [3.3/9053] Dust corrected line flux at "wave" in 10–17erg/cm2/s units (flux) (phot.flux)
  (2)e_Flux 10-17W/m2(n) [0.3/2723] MCMC uncertainty in Flux (flux_err) (stat.error;phot.flux)
  (2)FluxObs 10-17W/m2(n) [3.2/3070] Observed line flux in 10–17erg/cm2/s units (flux_obs) (phot.flux;em.line)
  (2)e_FluxObs 10-17W/m2(n) [0.3/796] MCMC uncertainty in FluxObs (flux_obs_err) (stat.error;phot.flux;em.line)
  (2)Faper 10-17W/m2(n) [0.0003/20235] Dust corrected, OII line flux measured in elliptical galaxy aperture in 10–17erg/cm2/s units (flux_aper) (phot.flux;instr.fov;em.line)
  (2)e_Faper 10-17W/m2(n) [0.06/109] Faper uncertainty (flux_aper_err) (stat.error;phot.flux;em.line)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (2)FaperObs 10-17W/m2(n) [-9364/19739] OII line flux measured in elliptical aperture in 10–17erg/cm2/s units (flux_aper_obs) (phot.flux;instr.fov;em.line)
  (2)e_FaperObs 10-17W/m2(n) [0.05/106] FaperObs uncertainty (flux_aper_obs_err) (stat.error;phot.flux;em.line)
  (2)sigma 0.1nm (n) [/50] sigma linewidth in gaussian line fit in Å (sigma) (spect.line.width)
  (2)e_sigma 0.1nm (n) [/18] MCMC uncertainty in sigma (sigma_err) (stat.error;spect.line.width)
  (2)Fcont 10-17cW/m2/nm(n) [-15.8/801] Local fitted observed continuum in 10–17erg/Å/cm2/s (continuum) (phot.flux;spect.continuum)
  (2)e_Fcont 10-17cW/m2/nm(n) [0.01/44] MCMC uncertainty in Fcont (continuum_err) (stat.error;phot.flux;spect.continuum)
  (2)FcontObs 10-17cW/m2/nm(n) [-11.3/749] Local fitted observed continuum (continuum_obs) (phot.flux;spect.continuum)
  (2)e_FcontObs 10-17cW/m2/nm(n) [0.01/11] MCMC uncertainty in FcontObs (continuum_obs_err) (stat.error;phot.flux;spect.continuum)
  (2)e_S/N  (n) [0.3/52] MCMC uncertainty in S/N (sn_err) (stat.error;stat.snr)
  (2)chi2  (n) [0.02/5.4] Reduced χ2 quality of line fit (chi2) (;em.line)
  (2)e_chi2  (n) [0.1/0.8] MCMC uncertainty in chi2 (chi2_err) (stat.error;;em.line)
  (2)FnoiseObs 10-17W/m2(n) [0.6/141] Observed 1 sigma flux sensitivity in 10–17erg/cm2/s (flux_noise_1sigma_obs) (phot.flux;instr.sensitivity)
  (2)Fnoise 10-17W/m2(n) [0.6/149] Dust corrected 1 sigma flux sensitivity in 10–17erg/cm2/s (flux_noise_1sigma) (phot.flux;instr.sensitivity)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (2)magCpt mag (n) [12.99/99.9] Selected closest counterpart AB mag from imaging data (counterpart_mag) (phot.mag)
  (2)e_magCpt mag (n) [0/0.7] magCpt uncertainty (counterpart_mag_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (2)DistCpt  (n) [0.0008/6.3] Distance to closest counterpart (counterpart_dist) (pos.angDistance)
  (2)CatCtp (char) Image catalog source of counterpart (counterpart_catalog_name) (Note 2)   (;meta.table)
  (2)FiltCtp (char) Image filter of counterpart (u,g,r,i, z,y,f606w) (counterpart_filter_name) (meta.code;instr.filter)
  (2)plyaCl  (n) [-1/1] 0 to 1 on likelihood line is Lya (plya_classification) (meta.code)
  (2)zbest  (n) [-1/3.7] ELiXeR best redshift (best_z) (src.redshift)
  (2)q_zbest  (n) [0/0.95] Confidence in zbest (best_pz) (meta.code.qual;src.redshift)
  (2)zdiag  (n) [-1.7e-06/3.9] Best fit redshift from Diagnose (z_diagnose) (src.redshift)
  (2)diagCl (char) Diagnose classification (cls_diagnose) (Note 3)   (src.class)
  (2)StType (char) Diagnose spectral type classification for stars (stellartype) (src.spType)
  (2)AGN   [-1/1] AGN flag (agn_flag) (Note 4)   (meta.code)
  (2)GroupID  (n) [-1/214024059] ID for 3D clustering at common ra, dec, wave (wave_group_id) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (2)amajGroup deg (n) [0/0.003] Semi-major axis from 3D FOF clustering (wave_group_a) (phys.angSize.smajAxis)
  (2)bminGroup deg (n) [0/0.001] Semi-minor axis from 3D FOF clustering (wave_group_b) (phys.angSize.sminAxis)
  (2)PAGroup deg (n) [-90/90] Positional angle from 3D FOF clustering (wave_group_pa) (pos.posAng;phys.angSize)
  (2)RAGdeg deg (n) Mean right ascension (ICRS) from 3D FOF clustering (wave_group_ra) (pos.eq.ra)
  (2)DEGdeg deg (n) Mean declination (ICRS) from 3D FOF clustering (wave_group_dec) (pos.eq.dec)
  (2)lamGroup  (n) [3501.4/5520.7] Mean wavelength from 3D FOF clustering (wave_group_wave) (em.wl;stat.mean)
  (2)FWHM arcsec [1.2/3.2] Measured seeing of the observation (fwhm) (spect.line.width)
  (2)sptput   [0.08/0.6] Relative spectral response at 4540 assuming a 360s nominal exposure (throughput) (spect.index)
  (2)shotid  (n) [20170103002/20200626020] Integer represent observation ID: int (date+obsid) (shotid) (;obs)
  (2)Date "Y:M:D" (n)(i) Date of observation (UT) (date) (time.epoch)
  (2)obsid  (n) [2/116] Observation number (obsid) (;obs)
  (2)multFrame (char) String identifier for the ifuslot/specid/ifuid/amp combination (multiframe) (instr.setup)
  (2)fiberID (char) String identifier for the highest weight fiber (fiber_id) (meta.note)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (2)Weight   [0.018/0.6] Flux weight of the highest weight fiber (weight) (stat.weight;phys.flux)
  (2)xRaw  (n) [6/1029] X value on the CCD of the detection (ds9 x value) (x_raw) (pos.cartesian.x)
  (2)yRaw  (n) [4/1029] Y value on the CCD of the detection (ds9 y value) (y_raw) (pos.cartesian.y)
  (2)xIFU arcsec [-24.15/24.15] X position in the ifu (x_ifu) (pos.cartesian.x;pos)
  (2)yIFU arcsec [-24.24/24.24] Y position in the ifu (y_ifu) (pos.cartesian.y;pos)
  (2)RAAdeg deg (n) Right ascension of aperture center of imaging counterpart (ra_aper) (pos.eq.ra)
  (2)DEAdeg deg (n) Declination of aperture center of imaging counterpart (dec_aper) (pos.eq.dec)
  (2)CatAp (char) Imaging source for measuring OII resolved apertures (catalog_name_aper) (Note 2)   (;meta.dataset)
  (2)FiltAp (char) Filter of Imaging used for measuring OII resolved apertures (filter_name_aper) (meta.code;instr.filter)
  (2)DistAp arcsec (n) [0.0009/5.6] Distance between aperture center and detectid position (dist_aper) (pos.angDistance)
  (2)magAp mag (n) [13.14/27.25] Photometric AB magnitude in aperture in imaging source (mag_aper) (phot.mag)
  (2)e_magAp mag (n) [2.7e-05/0.4] magAp uncertainty (mag_aper_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (2)maj arcsec (n) [0.46/20.2] Major axis of aperture ellipse of resolved OII galaxy defined by imaging (major) (phys.angSize)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (2)min arcsec (n) [0.29/9.4] Minor axis of aperture ellipse of resolved OII galaxy defined by imaging (minor) (phys.angSize;src)
  (2)theta deg (n) [-1.6/1.6] Angle in aperture ellipse (theta) (pos.posAng)

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