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  The M87 globular cluster system (Strader+, 2011)
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1.J/ApJS/197/33/glcl1(c)Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopic candidates with BVI photometry (table 2 of paper) (254 rows)
2.J/ApJS/197/33/glcl2(c)Supplementary Keck/DEIMOS dandidates, Keck/LRIS candidates and MMT/Hectospec candidates with gri photometry (tables 3–5 of paper) (482 rows)
3.J/ApJS/197/33/table8(c)Spectroscopic data for all foreground stars (189 rows)
4.J/ApJS/197/33/table9(c)Spectroscopic and photometric data for all M87 globular clusters and ultracompact dwarfs (739 rows)
5.J/ApJS/197/33/table6Globular cluster/Ultracompact dwarfs (UCDs) radial velocities with multiple measurements (114 rows)
6.J/ApJS/197/33/table7New half-light radii (197 rows)
7.J/ApJS/197/33/table10Supplementary photometric data for M87 globular clusters and ultracompact dwarfs (591 rows)

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Column  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
   (ALL)ID (char) Identification (Note G1)   (;meta.main)
  (1+2+3+4)RAJ2000 deg (i) Right Ascension in decimal degrees (J2000) (Note 1)   (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  (1+2+3+4)DEJ2000 deg (i) Declination in decimal degrees (J2000) (Note 1)   (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  (1)Mask (char) [1,4] Mask(s) (Note 2)   (instr.param)
  (1+7)Vmag mag Subaru/Suprime-Cam V band magnitude (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  (1+7)B-V mag Subaru/Suprime-Cam (B-V) color index (Note 1)   (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.V)
  (1+7)V-I mag Subaru/Suprime-Cam (V-I) color index (Note 1)   (phot.color;em.opt.V;em.opt.I)
  (1+2+4)Class (char) Classification (Note G2)   (src.class)
  (1+2+3+4)HRV km/s (n) Heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric)
  (1+2+3+4)e_HRV km/s (n) Error in HRV (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (1+2+3+4)All (char) Link to spectroscopic data for this object (table 8 for stars or 9 for globular) (meta.ref.url)
  (1+2+3+4)SimbadName (char) Designation understandable by the Simbad data-base (
  (2)Mask  (n) [1,4] Mask (for table 5 only) (instr.param)
  (2+3+4)imag mag (n) The CFHT/Megacam i band magnitude (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  (2+3+4)g-r mag (n) The CFHT/Megacam (g-r) color index (Note 1)   (phot.color;em.opt;em.opt)
  (2+3+4)g-i mag (n) The CFHT/Megacam (g-i) color index (Note 1)   (phot.color;em.opt;em.opt)
  (3+4+5)f_ID (char) [f] Flag on ID (Note 1)   (meta.code)
  (3+4)AID (char) Alternative identification(s) (Note G1)   (
  (3+4)f_imag (char) [i] Flag on imag (Note 2)   (meta.code)
  (3+4)r_HRV (char) Source(s) (Note 3)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)
  (3)HST (char) [Y/N] Confirmed by high-resolution HST imaging? (meta.code)
  (4+6)rh pc (n) Half-light radius; assuming D=16.5Mpc (phys.size.radius)
  (4+6)f_rh (char) [u] Indicates unresolved source for rh (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (4)r_rh (char) Source of rh (Note 5)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)
  (4)spop (char) Cluster subpopulation (blue or red) (Note 6)   (src.class)
  (5)H01 km/s (n) Hanes et al. 2001, Cat .J/ApJ/559/812 heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric)
  (5)e_H01 km/s (n) Uncertainty in H01 (stat.error)
  (5)K97 km/s (n) Kohen & Ryzhov, 1997ApJ...486..230C, heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric)
  (5)e_K97 km/s (n) Uncertainty in K97 (stat.error)
  (5)K00 km/s (n) Cohen, 2000AJ....119..162C, heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric)
  (5)e_K00 km/s (n) Uncertainty in K00 (stat.error)
  (5)M90 km/s (n) Mould et al., 1990AJ.....99.1823M, heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric)
  (5)e_M90 km/s (n) Uncertainty in M90 (stat.error)
  (5)M87 km/s (n) Mould et al., 1987AJ.....93...53M, heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric)
  (5)e_M87 km/s (n) Uncertainty in M87 (stat.error)
  (5)HB87 km/s (n) Huchra & Brodie, 1987AJ.....93..779H, heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (5)e_HB87 km/s (n) Uncertainty in HB87 (stat.error)
  (5)MMT km/s (n) This paper, MMT/Hectospec heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric)
  (5)e_MMT km/s (n) Uncertainty in MMT (stat.error)
  (5)LRIS km/s (n) This paper, Keck/LRIS heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric)
  (5)e_LRIS km/s (n) Uncertainty in LRIS (stat.error)
  (5)D1 km/s (n) This paper, Keck/DEIMOS run 1 heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric)
  (5)e_D1 km/s (n) Uncertainty in D1 (stat.error)
  (5)D2 km/s (n) This paper, Keck/DEIMOS run 2 heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric)
  (5)e_D2 km/s (n) Uncertainty in D2 (stat.error)
  (5)H05/H07 km/s (n) Hasegan et al., 2005ApJ...627..203H, or Hasegan 2007PhDT.........4H, heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc)
  (5)e_H05/H07 km/s (n) Uncertainty in H05/H07 (stat.error)
  (5)J06 km/s (n) Jones et al., 2006AJ....131..312J, heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric)
  (5)e_J06 km/s (n) Uncertainty in J06 (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (5)E07 km/s (n) Evstigneeva et al., 2007AJ....133.1722E, heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric)
  (5)e_E07 km/s (n) Uncertainty in E07 (stat.error)
  (5)F08 km/s (n) Firth et al., 2008MNRAS.389.1539F, heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric)
  (5)e_F08 km/s (n) Uncertainty in F08 (stat.error)
  (6)Inst (char) Instrument (;instr)
  (6)Filt (char) Filter (Note 1)   (;instr.filter)
  (7)T1mag mag (n) The Washington T1 band magnitude (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (7)C-T1 mag (n) The Washington (C-T1) color index (Note 1)   (phot.color;em.opt.U;em.opt.R)
  (7)gmag mag (n) HST/ACS g band magnitude (Note 2)   (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (7)g-z mag (n) HST/ACS (g-z) color index (Note 2)   (phot.color;em.opt;em.opt)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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