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  Effect of surface gravity on line-depth ratios (Jian+, 2020)
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1.J/MNRAS/494/1724/table6Line pairs and their LDR-Teff relations for dwarfs (38 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  ID (char) Line pair ID from our set of dwarf LDR-Teff relations (;meta.main)
  Order  Spectral order (stat.variance;instr.order)
  NXlow  Atomic number of the low excitation line (phys.atmol.number)
  Xlow (char) Low excitation line (;spect.line)
  lambdalow 0.1nm Wavelenght of the low-excitation line (em.wl)
  EPlow eV Excitation potential of the low-excitation line (phys.atmol.excitation;spect.line)
  NXhigh  Atomic number of the high excitation line (phys.atmol.number)
  Xhigh (char) High excitation line (;spect.line)
  lambdahigh 0.1nm Wavelenght of the high-excitation line (em.wl)
  EPhigh eV Excitation potential of the high-excitation line (phys.atmol.excitation;spect.line)
  a K Slope of the LDR-Teff relation (Teff=alogr+b) (
  b K Intercept of the LDR-Teff relation (Teff=alogr+b) (
  sigma K Residual of the fitted LDR-Teff relation (
  N  Number of stars used for calibrating the relation (meta.number)
  logLDRmin [-] LogLDR range used for calibrating the relation (minimum value) (
  logLDRmax [-] LogLDR range used for calibrating the relation (maximum value) (

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