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  ATOMS ALMA 3 mm VII SiO clumps with ACA (Liu+, 2022)
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1.J/MNRAS/511/3618/tablea3SiO (2-1) line parameters and clump properties associated to H40α, HCO+, CS and outflow emissions (171 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  IRAS (char) IRAS source clump identifier (IRAS HHMMm±DDMM) with CN for clump number (IRAS) (;meta.main)
  ATOMS-I  Link to catalog ATOMS I Description and a first look at G9.62+0.19 (Liu et al. 2020MNRAS.496.2790L, Cat. J/MNRAS/496/2790) (meta.ref.url)
  ATOMS-II  Link to catalog ATOMS II Compact objects in ACA observations (Liu et al. 2020MNRAS.496.2821L, Cat. J/MNRAS/496/2821) (meta.ref.url)
  ATOMS-III  Link to catalog ATOMS III Massive star-forming regions (Liu et al. 2021MNRAS.505.2801L, Cat. J/MNRAS/505/2801) (meta.ref.url)
  ATOMS-IV  Link to catalog ATOMS IV Gas clumps properties and SFRs (Zhang et al. 2022MNRAS.510.4998Z, Cat. J/MNRAS/510/4998) (meta.ref.url)
  Lbol/Mclump Lsun/MsunThe total SED bolometric luminosity to clump mass ratio from Liu et al. (2020MNRAS.496.2790L, Cat. J/MNRAS/496/2790) (Lbol/M) (phys.composition.massLightRatio;
  logn [cm-3] The logarithm of n particle number density can be derived as the equation 2 of the section 4.1 The line broadening of SiO emission (logn) (meta.number;phys.density)
  [SiO]/[H13CO+]  (n) The integrated intensity ratio of SiO emission and H13CO+ emission ([SiO]/[H13CO+]) (spect.line.intensity;arith.ratio;
  e_[SiO]/[H13CO+]  (n) Mean error on [SiO]/[H13CO+], source without this error has absorption features in their spectra (stat.error)
  Dd pc The separated linear distance between the central position of SiO clumps and the peak position of the 3 mm continuum emission (D_d) (pos.distance)
  FlagH40a (char) [yes no] Flag indicates that the SiO clump is associated with H40α emission, 86 yes and 85 no (H40α) (meta.code.status)
  FlagWingSiO (char) [yes no] Flag indicates that the SiO clump shows line wing emission, 103 yes and 68 no (WingSiO) (meta.code.status)
  FlagWingHCO+ (char) [yes no] Flag indicates that the HCO+ shows line wing emission, 62 yes and 109 no (WingHCO+) (meta.code.status)
  FlagWingCS (char) [yes no] Flag indicates that the CS shows line wing emission, 88 yes and 83 no (WingCS) (meta.code.status)
  Outflow (char) [yes no] Flag indicates that the SiO clump is with outflow, 116 yes and 55 no (outflow) (meta.code.status)
  Type (char) [A B C D] Type for SiO clump associations to H40α and/or 3 mm continuum emission (type) (Note 1)   (meta.code.status)
  Simbad  ask the Simbad data-base about this object (meta.ref.url)

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