Contents of: VI/68/./keys

The following document lists the file keys from catalogue VI/68.
A plain copy of the file (without headers/trailers) may be downloaded.

BCVS Code Dictionary
 #          ASCII  symbol     Meaning
 1             33     !       accretion phenomena
 2             34     "       stellar atmosphere
 3             35     #       note
 4             36     $       binary
 5             37     %       catalogue
 6             38     &       CCD observation
 7             39     '       circumstellar phenomena
 8             40     (       abundances
 9             41     )       correction
10             42     *       star constant
11             43     +       various data
12             44     ,       stellar diameter
13             45     -       distance
14             46     .       proper motion
15             47     /       photometric elements
16             48     0       discovery
17             49     1       stellar evolution
18             50     2       extreme UV observation
19             51     3       flare
20             52     4       Gamma-ray observation
21             53     5       H-Alpha-line observation
22             54     6       interferometry
23             55     7       infrared observations
24             56     8       kinematics
25             57     9       light curve
26             58     :       stellar mass
27             59     ;       times of maximum
28             60     <       stellar magnetic field
29             61     =       times of minimum
30             62     >       model
31             63     ?       multiple star
32             64     @       position
33             65     A       period
34             66     B       photometry
35             67     C       photoelectric
36             68     D       photographic
37             69     E       visual
38             70     F       polarimetry
39             71     G       radio observation
40             72     H       radial velocity
41             73     I       stellar rotation
42             74     J       extraterrestric observation
43             75     K       spectroscopy
44             76     L       statistics
45             77     M       starpots
46             78     N       system parameters
47             79     O       variable star type
48             80     P       finding chart
49             81     Q       investigation
50             82     R       UV observation
51             83     S       comparison stars
52             84     T       stellar wind
53             85     U       X-ray observation
54             86     V       spectrophotometry
55             87     W       black hole
56             88     X       stellar seismology
57             89     Y       high-energy particles
58             90     Z       oscillations
59             91     [       image processing
60             92     \       mass loss
61             93     ]       counterpart
62             95     _       microwave observation
63             96     `       nebula
64             97     a       absolute magnitude
65             98     b       orbit
66             99     c       stellar chromosphere
67            100     d       outburst
68            101     e       envelope
69            102     f       colour
70            103     g       gravitational radiation
71            104     h       halo
72            105     i       interstellar effects
73            106     j       jet
74            107     k       eclipse
75            108     l       abstract
76            109     m       maser
77            110     n       review